The Sister Arts - British Gardening, Painting, & Poetry (1700-1832)
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Neoclassical > Landscapes & Gardens > 3
11.A plan of Versailles in 1689, engraved by Israel Silvestre. Reproduced by permission of the Bibliothéque Nationale de France, Paris.
12.A boxwood parterre at Courances. Photograph by Edwin Smith.
13. A view along the main garden axis of Versailles with the Latona Fountain in the foreground and the Grand Canal in the distance. Photograph by Edwin Smith.
14.Pope’s grotto, Twickehnham.
Sketch, perhaps by Lady Burlington, ?1730s
15.Detail of engraving from Salomon Kleiner, Vera et Accurata Delineatio Omnium Templorum et Coenobriorum, 1724 et seq.