The Sister Arts - British Gardening, Painting, & Poetry (1700-1832)
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Picturesque > Landscapes & Gardens
6. Sir Humphrey Repton: "Improvements, from Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening" (1816)
7. Sir Humphrey Repton: "The Work-House, from Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening" (1816)
8. Sir Humphrey Repton: "View from my Cottage, with and without overlay, from Fragments on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening" (1816)
9. Sir Humphrey Repton: "View of the pleasure ground, with and without overlay, from the Red Book for Stoneleigh Abbey" (1809)
10."Frontispiece to Memoir" (1814, artist unknown)